Margaret Anderson (YCAL MSS 265)
Gertrude Stein on the terrace of her villa at Biligin with Pepe and Basket I, photographed by Carl Van Vechten (ZA Van Vechten)
[Eugene O’Neill, wearing striped robe, sitting on lawn, reading, 1931]. (YCAL MSS 123)
Photograph of Ezra Pound reclining in lawn chair at St. Elizabeth’s. (YCAL MSS 24)
[Photograph of Margaret Canby in a lawn chair with a cigarette, 1929]. (YCAL MSS 187)
Elizabeth Jenks Clark (YCAL MSS 265)
On the lawn at Newport – standing: Miss Edgar (Edith Wharton’s cousin) and Edith Wharton; seated: Mr. Hoyt Gould, Lucretia Jones (Edith Wharton’s mother), and Teddy Wharton, ca. 1884. (YCAL MSS 42)
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