Arthur Sze’s “Acequia del Llano” – Creativity in Isolation

May 29, 2020

By Nancy Kuhl

In response to the Beinecke Library’s invitation to reflect on creativity in this time of isolation, Arthur Sze shared a reading of his poem “Acequia del Llano,” in which Arthur considers “my connection to the Acequia del Llano, the irrigation ditch association that is shared with fourteen families and two organizations. I’m one of the three commissioners and am actively involved in the ditch association. Because the acequias are lifeblood to agriculture in northern New Mexico, they are deemed essential and have continued to operate, with social distancing, through our crisis.” In a video assembled by Tubyez Cropper, Sze’s photos and sound recordings of the landscape and environment of the irrigation ditch accompany his reading. “Acequia del Llano” is forthcoming in the July/August 2020 issue of The Kenyon Review (