A new podcast related to the exhibition Psyche & Muse: Creative Entanglements with the Science of the Soul is now available: A. A. Brill and Mabel Dodge Luhan: A Reading from their Correspondence, by Patricia Everett & Paul Lippmann, recorded at the Beinecke Library on Tuesday, March 29, 2011. Psychoanalyst A. A. Brill maintained an active correspondence with his patient Mabel Dodge Luhan, a writer and New York salon hostess. Luhan’s analysis began in June 1916 and continued until she moved to Taos, New Mexico, in December 1917, after which analyst and writer corresponded for nearly thirty years. This reading from the Mabel Dodge Luhan Papers presents a selection of letters that reflect the highly personal, expressive, and exploratory nature of their correspondence. Luhan recounted her dreams and reported on her current mental states. Brill responded with advice, warmth, and forceful interpretations. These letters provide views into often inaccessible aspects of analytic relationships. Patricia Everett, Ph.D. is a psychologist in private practice in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is the author of A History Of Having A Great Many Times Not Continued To Be Friends: The Correspondence Between Mabel Dodge and Gertrude Stein, 1911–1934 (University of New Mexico Press, 1996). A 2005 Beinecke Library A. Bartlett Giamatti Visiting Research Fellow, she recently completed a book manuscript entitled The Dreams of Mabel Dodge and is currently editing the correspondence between Mabel Dodge Luhan and A. A. Brill. Paul Lippmann, Ph.D. is a fellow, a member of the faculty, and a training and supervising analyst at the William Alanson White Institute. He is in private practice in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and is director of the Stockbridge Dream Society. He is the author of Nocturnes: On Listening to Dreams(The Analytic Press, 2000). Information about and images from the Luhan archive are available online: Mabel Dodge Luhan Papers (YCAL MSS 196) ; Image Guide to the Luhan Papers .