An an anonymously written tragic tale, featuring characters Miriam Mayfair, Stephen Groveland, their son Arthur, and other citizens from the fictional town...
“A Brief History of Printmaking,” the chalkboard diagram seen here, is an artifact of the Beinecke Library’s recent master class, The Physical Structure...
Ten fascinating books, manuscripts, collections…to see before you graduate. Epistle from St. Paul , 3rd century Call Number: P.CtYBR inv. 415 Pictured (...
Anderson, George Henry, b. 1883; Photograph of W. E. B. Dubois and graduates of La Rose College and Beauty Shoppe in Nashville, Tennessee, on September 13,...
Ten fascinating books, manuscripts, collections…that will make you want to leave the library! Peanuts cartoons about Silent Spring , Rachel Carson Papers...
Several standout plates from: Book of sports, or, Man of spirit’s companion , London, J. Bailey, 1819. From: “Game Cocks” From: “The Art of Angling” From...
Betsey Beinecke Shirley Collection of American Children’s Literature Call #: GEN MSS 764 Finding Aid:
The Yale Collection of American Literature has acquired the papers of M/E/A/N/I/N/G, an art and culture journal edited by Susan Bee and Mira Schor. A...