“Tender Buttons: Objects” by Sandra Gibbons
A visual adaptation of the “Objects” section of Gertrude Stein’s modernist masterwork, Tender Buttons.

“Tender Buttons: Objects” by Sandra Gibbons includes fifty-nine comics-adaption drawings, 2011-2015, that illustrate or respond to the OBJECTS section of Gertrude Stein, Tender Buttons (1914). Twelve drawings from the collection were issued as greeting cards in Sandra Gibbons’ OBJECTS from Tender Buttons (Portland, Oregon: Flash+Card and c_L, 2011). The collection also includes five copies of an illustrated broadside from Passages Bookshop, Portland, Oregon, which advertise an exhibit of the drawings, July 1-30, 2016.
A detailed description can be found online: Sandra Gibbons, “Tender Buttons: Objects.”