Spouses And Partners

You Can’t Translate What You Can’t See: Between Languages in the U.S. Immigration System

Franke Visiting Fellow Lecture
Alejandra Oliva

How are power structures and empathy implicated in translation? What do we owe asylum seekers, and the stories they bring? What does it mean to bear witness, or to take action? Based on her experiences as an observer and translator in different parts of the U.S. immigration system, Alejandra Oliva reflects on the ways, both big and small, that the system fails the people within it—and the shift required to fix it.

Fernando Pessoa Unmasked? Biographer Richard Zenith in Conversation with Inês Forjaz de Lacerda

Celebrated translator and biographer Richard Zenith has spent much of the past three decades translating and writing about the great Portuguese modernist poet Fernando Pessoa.

At Yale, Zenith will talk about what - through all these years - led to some of his recent revisions to his translations and reflect on translation more generally.

From East to West: History of the Chinese Collection at Yale 1849-2019

Yale University Library has been collecting Chinese-language materials for 170 years. Six titles of Chinese classical texts were deposited at Yale in August 1849, making the College Library the first academic library in the United States to collect Chinese-language books. Samuel Wells Williams, the inaugural Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at Yale, was largely responsible for the earliest acquisitions for the Library. Yung Wing, the first Chinese citizen to graduate from a major American college, was the most important contributor to the founding of Yale’s Chinese Collection.

Exhibit Opening: Student Research on the History of Women at Yale

In conjunction with the 50 Women at Yale 150 campus-wide celebration, two Yale College seniors have curated side-by-side exhibits on two different aspects of women at Yale using materials from library collections. Each curator will give a brief talk about their exhibit in the Exhibition Corridor followed by light refreshments in the Memorabilia Room.

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