The Medieval Manuscripts of Toshiyuki Takamiya at the Beinecke Library

In 2017, the Beinecke Library acquired the medieval manuscripts of Prof. Toshiyuki Takamiya. This is a list of the Middle English materials that were acquired. The catalog of the collection, including both Middle English and Latin manuscripts, can be found here.
The books can be seen at the Beinecke Library Rare Books Reading Room.
Takamiya MS 3. Walter Hilton, The Scale of Perfection and Of Angels’ Song, in Middle English prose. Probably East Berkshire, early 15th century.
Takamiya MS 4. Nicholas Love, The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ, in Middle English prose; and poems in Middle English. Northern England, c.1450.
Takamiya MS 6. John Hardyng, Chronicles of England (second version), in Middle English verse. England, after 1464.
Takamiya MS 8. Nicholas Love, The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ, in Middle English prose. Yorkshire (?), c.1410
Takamiya MS 9. Geoffrey Chaucer, A Treatise on the Astrolabe, Middle English prose, c.1450.
Takamiya MS 12. Brut Chronicle, in Middle English prose. England, 15th century.
Takamiya MS 15. William of Nassington (?), Speculum vitae, in Middle English verse, and other works. Northern England, c.1425.
Takamiya MS 16. Edward Plantagenet, Second Duke of York, The Master of Game, in Middle English prose. England, 2nd or 3rd quarter of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 17. Richard de Caistre’s hymn Ihesu lord that madyste me, and John Lydgate, Fifteen Joys of Our Lady, both in Middle English verse. England, mid-15th century.
Takamiya MS 18. Brut Chronicle, in Middle English prose. Norfolk (?), c.1437–1450 (or possibly later).
Takamiya MS 19. Edward Plantagenet, Second Duke of York, The Master of Game, in Middle English prose. England, 1st quarter of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 20. Nicholas Love, The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Christ, in Middle English prose. England, mid-15th century.
Takamiya MS 22. Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales. England, perhaps East Midlands, c. 1460–1490.
The Sion College Chaucer.
Takamiya MS 23. William Langland, Piers Plowman, B version, in Middle English alliterative verse. England, c.1550.
Takamiya MS 24. Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, in Middle English verse. England, probably London, 1440 – 60.
The Devonshire Chaucer.
Takamiya MS 28. Wycliffite Bible, St. Matthew’s Gospel, and the Acts of the Apostles (Early Version), in Middle English prose. England, c.1400
Takamiya MS 29. Brut Chronicle, in Middle English prose. England, c.1420 – 50.
Takamiya MS 30. John Lydgate, The Fall of Princes, in Middle English verse, mid-15th century.
Takamiya MS 31. Wycliffite Bible, New Testament, in Middle English prose. England, c. 1400.
Takamiya MS 32. Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, and other works in Middle English verse. England, 2nd quarter of 15th century.
The Delamere Chaucer.
Takamiya MS 33. John Lydgate and Benedict Burgh, Secretum Secretorum, and other works, primarily in Middle English verse and prose. England, late 15th century.
Takamiya MS 35. Chronicle of the Kings of England, in Latin and Middle English verse. England, c.1275 and c.1435.
Takamiya MSS 36 and 53. Old Testament Chronicle and Genealogy of Christ, in Middle English prose. England, 1st half of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 38. Johannes de Caritate, The Privyté of Privyteis, in Middle English prose, together with another, unidentified Middle English astrological prose text. England, c. 1484.
Takamiya MS 39. The Wyse Boke of Fylosophy and Astronomy, with other astronomical texts in Middle English prose. England, c.1500
Takamiya MS 40. John Lydgate, The Fall of Princes, in Middle English verse. England, c. 1465 – 75.
Takamiya MS 45 (part of). Gilte Legende, in Middle English prose. England, mid-15th century.
Takamiya MS 46. Herbal in Middle English prose and verse. South Lincolnshire, 1st quarter of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 51. Robin Hood, fragment of a ballad, in Middle English verse. England, mid-15th century.
Takamiya MS 52. Chronicle of the Kings of England, in Middle English verse. England, 2nd half of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 54. South English Legendary, in Middle English verse. England, c. 1400–1450.
Takamiya MS 56. Prayer roll, in Middle English and Latin, partly in verse. England, possibly Tewkesbury, c.1435–1450.
Takamiya MS 59. Guy de Chauliac, The Inventory of Chirurgy, in Middle English prose. England, c. 1450.
Takamiya MS 60. Bernard of Gordon, De prognosticis, in Middle English prose. England, 1st quarter of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 61. Medical and Alchemical Miscellany, Middle English, Latin and Norman French, in verse and prose. English, mid-15th century, with additions up to about 1570.
Takamiya MS 63. Nicholas Love, The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ, in Middle English prose. England, c.1450.
Takamiya MS 64. John Mandeville, Travels, in Middle English prose. England, early 15th century.
Takamiya MS 65. The Abbey of the Holy Ghost, and other devotional texts, in Middle English prose and verse. England, c.1400–1470.
Takamiya MS 66. Richard Rolle, Emendatio vitae, Ego dormio, The Commandment, Form of Living, and Walter Hilton, Mixed Life, all in Middle English prose. Norfolk, 2nd quarter of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 67. Brut Chronicle, in Middle English prose. England, c. 1450.
Takamiya MS 78. John Lydgate, The Fall of Princes, in Middle English verse. England, c.1440.
Takamiya MS 79. John Lydgate, The Fall of Princes, in Middle English verse. England, c.1450–1475.
Takamiya MS 94. Verse and prose in Middle English and Latin. England, 3rd quarter of 15th century.
Takamiya MS 95. Planetary calendar, in Middle English prose. England, perhaps London, c.1450.
Takamiya MS 96. Speculum Christiani, in Middle English verse and prose, and Latin prose. England, early15th century.
Takamiya MS 97. Mirour of Mans Salvacioune, in Middle English verse. England, mid-15th century.
Takamiya MS 98. John Gower, Confessio Amantis, in Middle English verse. London, c. 1393.
Takamiya MS 100. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, in Latin and Middle English. London, c. 1410 – 15.
Takamiya MS 112 Prayer roll, in Latin and Middle English verse. England, c. 1430.
Takamiya MS 113 Wycliffite Lectionary, in Middle English prose. England, early 15th century.