Current Awards

Current Fellowship Awards June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025

Walter O. Evans Fellowship for the Study of Slavery or Race

Jesse Olsavsky: In the Tradition: The Abolitionist Tradition and the Roots of Pan-Africanism, 1830-1945

Short-term Research Fellowships

Faith Acker: Service and Satire in Early Modern English Epitaphs (1600-1660) 
Kathryn Brown: Artists’ Books of the Harlem Renaissance: Histories and Legacies  
Jennifer Buehler: Book Bans and the Problem of Political Polarization: Judy Blume, Today’s Authors, and the Story of an Advocate  
Carl Patrick Burrowes: A Biographical Sketch of Ralph Randolph Gurley (May 25, 1797-July 30, 1872) 
David Bukszpan: Throughlines: The Lives and Times of John and Margaret Farrar  
Peter Cajka: The Catholic Sexual Moderns  
Ríán Derrig: The G77 and International Law  
Amy Gais: Freedom, Dissimulation, and Resistance in African American Political Thought 
Justin Gifford: Time Considered as a Helix: The Life of Samuel R. Delany  
Carolin Goergen: California Camera Club (legacy from 2020) 
Peter Grace: Sherman Kent Letters and Writings  
Sarah Hendriks: ‘Collecting History’: Irish historical manuscripts in the Osborn Collection 
Jennifer Jenkins: An Annotated Translation of Hermann Broch’s ‘Massenwahntheorie’ (Theory of Mass Hysteria) (1939–1948)  
Michelle Johansen: From Newcastle to New Haven. The Extraordinary Career of Andrew Keogh (1869-1953)  
Ahmed Kamal: New Official Arabic papyri Dated 1-3 AH / 7-9 CE centuries 
Dean Kotlowski: Toward Self-Determination: Federal Indian Policy from Truman to Clinton 
Anna McKay: Global Prisoners of War, 1775-1815 
Michele Navakas: Rachel Carson Reading: The Literary Origins of American Ecology  
Ross Nedervelt: The Border-seas of a New British Empire: Security, Imperial Reconstitution, and the British Atlantic Islands in the Age of the American Revolution  
Jordi Sanchez Marti: The Iberian books of chivalry in early modern England  
Burak Sayim: Paths Not Taken: The Rise and Fall of Middle Eastern Lefts in the Long Cold War 
Vaughn Scribner: Timothy Dexter: The First and Last Lord of America  
Victoria Smolkin: The Wall of Memory: Ukraine and Its Histories  
Eve Sneider: Janet Malcolm: A Writer in Her Archive  
Danielle Stagger: Willy Jones is a Four Letter Word: A New Play 
Marta Zboralska: Art After Witold Gombrowicz  

Graduate Student Research Fellowships

Julie Therese Barron, Columbia University: Reading Black and Green 
Giulia Beatrice, University of Zürich: Africa and Colonialism in Italian Futurism  
Zak Breckenridge, University of Southern California: Ecological Aesthetics and Environmental Reform, 1890-1990
Tyler Carson, Rutgers University: Queer Conflicts over Age of Consent Laws, 1978-1994
Alessandro Ceteroni, University of Connecticut: Invisible Labor and the Work of the Poet 
Ayse Cicek Unal, Yale University: An Empire on the Edge: Law, Autonomy, and Authority in Ottoman North Africa, 1650–1700 
Tp Coughlin, University of California - Davis: Essentially Counterfactual Gender in Delany, Russ, and Becker  
Jonathan Dick, University of Pennsylvania: Teaching Rhetoric: English Education and Social Life in the Long Nineteenth Century  
Grace Dutt, University of Manchester: Paper Empire: Literature, the Travelers Cheque, and the Redescription of American Imperialism, 1891-1958 
Tony Flynn, Trinity College Dublin: Inscriptions in Children’s Books: the Collection and Preservation of Childhood through Inscriptions and Marginalia in the Pollard Collection of Children’s Books and Pollard Schoolbook Collection, 1900-1926
Nora Grimes, Trinity College Dublin: Legacies of Resistance: Women Writers of the Abbey Theatre and the Provincetown Players (1904-1932)  
Gianmarco Gronchi, University of Genova: Rebel zines, rebel graphics. Radical publishing, underground movements and Italian visual culture at Beinecke Library  
Gabriel Groz, University of Chicago: The Politics of Fiscal State Building in Seventeenth-Century England  
Jessica Hogbin, Syracuse University: Innumerable Melancholies: Medicine and Mental Health in Renaissance Italy 
Elise Kerns, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Aborted Modernity: Abjection and Autonomy in Women’s Writing of the Americas  
Oliver Laband, Pompeu Fabra University: Colonial masculinities in Jesuit education: a gendered reading of the santo varon taught at Mexican Jesuit colleges. 
Cristian Padilla Romero, Yale University: “Manufacturing the Counterinsurgent Banana Republic: U.S. Empire, Racial Capitalism, and Black Radicalism in Honduras’ Caribbean Coast during the Cold War.”  
Thomas Renjilian, University of Southern California: Caricature, Camp, and the Politics of Self-Degradation in Richard Bruce Nugent’s Fiction  
Nora Rosengarten, Harvard University: Feeling Pressure: A History of Embossing 
Beatrice Scartezzini, University of Trento: Nicola Chiaromonte’s Notebooks in Beinecke’s ‘Nicola Chiaromonte Papers’ Collection  
Arya Sureshbabu, University of California-Berkeley: ‘Small Officiousnesses’: Minorness and Intimacy in Early Modern English Literature  
Minh Vu, Yale University: Corrugated Care: The Kinship of Cardboard and an Enfolding Empire