Harold Prince’s legendary Broadway career had Connecticut beginnings (Hartford Courant)August 2, 2019
The Stuff about the Stuff: The Value and Imperiled Future of Collectors’ Papers (Maine Antique Digest)July 9, 2019
Stonewall, Before and After: An Interview with Samuel R. Delany (Los Angeles Review of Books)July 6, 2019
The Historical Printing and Signing of the U.S. Declaration of Independence (Interesting Engineering)July 3, 2019
A Life-Changing Afternoon in Paris With Edmund White (LitHub)June 28, 2019Michael Carroll on Their First Meeting
Robert Giard photographed over 600 LGBTQ writers—5 of them share their stories (Document) June 28, 2019
Before Stonewall: Secret scrapbooks uncover how gay people were criminalised (The Irish Times)June 27, 2019Photographer and writer Carl Van Vechten documented queer experiences in the decades before the 1969 riots
These Queer PhotoBooks Changed My Life (aperture)June 27, 2019Eleven curators, writers, and artists reflect on images of queer identity past and present.
A Not-So-Simple Love Story: Even in the photos, it’s rarely black and white (Literary Review of Canada)June 22, 2019