General Public

Gordon Bunshaft and Skidmore Owings & Merrill: A Conversation with Nicholas Adams

Adams, professor emeritus of architectural history at Vassar College, is author of “Gordon Bunshaft and SOM: Building Corporate Modernism,” new from Yale University Press.
He will discuss the life, career, and works of Bunshaft, including the iconic Beinecke Library itself.
From the Yale University Press:
“A nuanced portrait of the 20th-century architect whose work defined the built aesthetic of corporate America

Yale Program in the History of the Book: “Walden’s Carbon Footprint: People, Plants, Animals, and Machines in the Making of an American Book”

A talk by Eric Slauter, Associate Professor of English, The University of Chicago
To learn more about the Yale Program in the History of the Book, please visit

David (Jhave) Johnston, human + artificial-intelligence poetry reading for Beyond Words

A special reading in conjunction with the fall exhibition, Beyond Words: Experimental Poetry & the Avant-Garde. David (Jhave) Johnston is a renowned digital net-artist-poet concentrating on integrating advanced computational techniques (neural nets, VR, and fluid dynamics) into the creation of art installations and spoken word performances that expose and question human-machine symbiosis.
Read more about Jhave here:

Yale Program in the History of the Book: “How to Read a Petition: Bureaucracy and Book History in Colonial South Asia”

A panel discussion featuring Priyasha Mukhopadhyay, Assistant Professor of English, Yale University \nTo read more about Mukhopadhyay, please visit:… \nTo learn more about the Yale Program in the History of the Book, please visit

Yale Program in the History of the Book: “Textcraft: Teaching Practical Printing for the History of the Book”

A panel discussion with Alexandra Franklin, Coordinator, Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, and Richard Lawrence, Printer, Oxford
To learn more about the Yale Program in the History of the Book, please visit

Marilyn Nelson, Poetry Reading

From the Poetry Foundation: “Marilyn Nelson was born in Cleveland, Ohio, into a military family: she is the daughter of one of the last of the Tuskegee Airmen. Her mother was a teacher. Nelson spent much of her youth living on different military bases and began writing poetry in elementary school. She earned her BA from the University of California at Davis, her MA from the University of Pennsylvania, and her PhD from the University of Minnesota. An accomplished poet and translator, Nelson has also written numerous books for children and young adults.

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