
Invention and Investigations: Printing Photography and the Photo Book

Thomas Palmer and Paul Messier will discuss the printing of the photograph in photo books from the perspective of their remarkable careers in the field—pushing the boundaries of what is possible in printing books while preserving the history of the photographic medium. Thomas Palmer’s extraordinary work printing photography began with his many projects with printer and artist Richard Benson and continues to his current work making digital separations of photographs. We will hear from Thomas stories about printing as it has changed and developed throughout his career.

The 26th Lewis Walpole Library Lecture "Music on the Dark Side of 1800: Listening to the Blind Virtuosa, Mademoiselle Paradis"

In concerts across Europe in the 1780s, the young Viennese virtuosa Maria Theresia Paradis made blindness visible, even audible. Her performances invited listeners and viewers primed by horror ballads and literary romance to experience her story of trauma and misfortune within the frame of fictional narratives of doomed innocence and victimized Gothic heroines.

Opening Reception: The First Folio: Shakespeare for All Time?

Opening remarks by the curator, followed by an informal reception, to celebrate the opening of a new exhibit in Hanke Exhibition Gallery, located in the nave of Sterling Memorial Library.

This exhibit celebrates a portion of the Elizabethan Club’s rare book collections, largely assembled in the early 1910s by Alexander Smith Cochran, BA 1896, a young alumnus inspired by the Shakespeare lectures he attended while a student at Yale.

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