The Visual Arts at Grove Street Cemetery with Channing Harris

Event time: 
Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Zoom webinar registration:

An exploration of some of the painters, sculptors, architects and others memorialized in the Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, this illustrated talk will present biographic notes, design of monuments, and the cultural, historical context of National Landmark Grove Street Cemetery.

Channing Harris is a volunteer in architectural preservation and cemetery landscapes. A retired senior landscape architect, project manager, and campus planner with 40 years experience in academic and healthcare institutional work, he serves on the boards of the Friends of the Grove Street Cemetery and of the New Haven Preservation Trust.

The cemetery is the oldest the nation designed as a “city of the dead,” with named avenues and cross streets. A National Historic Landmark, it is also the first chartered burial ground in the United States and the first to be arranged in family lots.

This online program is sponsored by the Friends of the Grove Street Cemetery and the Beinecke Library.

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