Beinecke Library Policy on Access and Publication of Papyri
The papyrus collection held by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, is open and available to all interested researchers.
In order to facilitate research on the papyri in its collection, the Beinecke Library maintains a list of individuals who have contacted the library and stated their intent to publish on these materials. Inclusion on this list does not imply that the material is reserved. It is not the Beinecke’s policy to reserve materials; any individual may undertake any research on any papyrus fragment.
Inclusion on the list is subject to the following stipulations:
- You may be listed as working with a fragment for five years. After that date, your information will automatically be deleted.
- You may be listed as working with only a reasonable number of fragments at one time, a number that can reasonably be finished within the five-year period, not to exceed ten items. Special circumstances for working with more than ten fragments must be approved by the Curator for Early Books and Manuscripts.
- You must provide accurate contact information and if your address changes you must notify the library. If an attempt is made to contact you and you cannot be reached, your information will be deleted.
- Information on this list will be shared freely. By providing your contact details, you agree that Beinecke may share your contact information with other scholars who might want to communicate with you about your work. If you do not respond, your information will be deleted.
The library maintains this list as a service to scholars in papyrology. It is hoped that the papyrological community will develop its own system to ensure that multiple parties are not working on the same fragment in such a way that the fragments themselves remain open for all who wish to study them.
Raymond Clemens, Curator for Early Books and Manuscripts
Effective December 2013