The Living Image: 50 Years of Photography and the Struggle for Social Justice in Italy
An Art & Protest zoom webinar with Tano D’Amico
An Art & Protest zoom webinar with Tano D’Amico
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Kenneth P. Minkema is the Executive Editor and director of the Works of Jonathan Edwards and Jonathan Edwards Center. (
For more on the Jonathan Edwards Collection in the Beinecke Library, see:…
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A discussion of Beinecke MSS 408, a mysterious, undeciphered manuscript (
Lisa Fagin Davis is executive director of the Medieval Academy of America. Raymond Clemens is curator of early books and manuscripts at the Beinecke Library. Claire Bowern is professor of linguistics at Yale.
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Kristen Herdman is a PhD Candidate in the Medieval Studies program. Her research interests are rooted in art historical approaches to manuscript studies, with special attention to fifteenth-century medieval devotional books and the complex relationship between text and image.
In honor of the publication of A Whole World: Letters from James Merrill, edited by Langdon Hammer and Stephen Yenser, Meghan O’Rourke will have a discussion with Dan Chiasson, Shane McCrae, Maureen N. McLane, Srikanth Reddy, and Roger Reeves about the influence of James Merrill’s legacy: his dazzlingly witty letters, his cosmic vision, and his poetry’s trajectory.
Sponsored by The Yale Review, English Department’s Theory and Media Studies Colloquium, and Whitney Humanities Center
Emile DeWeaver, Janaya Pulliam, and Aimee Wissman will discuss their work on activating the leadership of systems-impacted artists and generating critical conversations about the criminal legal system in this session on Art & Incarceration/Incarcerated Artists, produced in collaboration with the Yale Undergraduate Prison Project.
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May 18 marks the 40th anniversary of the first notice in the New York Native in 1981 of what is known as AIDS. Bill Goldstein, authorized biographer of the late Larry Kramer, will discuss the playwright and activist, whose papers are in the Beinecke Library. Goldstein spent hundreds of hours interviewing Kramer and has worked in Kramer’s personal papers, as well as in the records of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis and ACT UP, the two organizations Kramer played a vital role in founding. He has also studied the personal archives of many of Kramer’s closest friends and opponents.
Beinecke Library 2020-21 communications interns Claire Barnes, Brooke Harris, and Eva Knaggs, will each discuss materials from the collections that have piqued their curiosity and fired their imagination.Zoom webinar registration:
A conversation with Donald Nicholson-Smith.
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Literary translator, former activist with the Situationist International in Paris, and one of the founders of King Mob, Donald will discuss his engagement with critical agit-prop in the London action group, its many political, literary, and artistic antecedents, and its strong affinities with contemporaneous activists, such as the Black militants of Notting Hill Gate.
Jeffrey H. Jackson, is the author of “Paper Bullets: Two Artists Who Risked Their Lives to Defy the Nazis,” based on research in the Beinecke Library for the book.
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